Monday: New Week Fresh Start Time to make something happen!

Great joy is the grace of Jesus!

Present tears water the gardens of future blessings.

Life is all about Takeaways from great people and Giveaways to the needy ones.

O wayfarer! Yearn finds quench, not in meadows, seashores or altitude of mountain peaks; but when being and dance are one.

An egg's true value is only known when it is broken.

O wayfarer! Yearn finds quench, not in meadows, seashores or altitude of mountain peaks; but when being becomes dance.

If spirit is the seed, dance is the water of its evolution.

The best way to look back at life fondly is to meet it - and those along your journey - warmly, kindly and mindfully

Scars are your greatest medals in life.

If you do not grasp, intellectually or spiritually, the 'One' in All, you would've lived and died as your former self - ape, et all.

Do it or not, but do.

We have an amazing potential to reach our highest potential, to have truly inspiring careers and loving relationships.Unfortunately, often we walk through our lives asleep, we let our habits rule us, and find it difficult to change our beliefs.

Life is INCONCLUSIVE but its about an everlasting FUTURE

When a dancer performs, melody transforms into a carriage, expressions turn into fuel and spirit experiences a journey to a world where passion attains fulfillment.

Mindfulness is awareness of everything that is happening in the moment of 'Now'. Mindfulness is a self development technique that will change the focus of our mind towards happiness.

Limit not to only five, when the divine gifts the supreme sixth; the sense of dance

Don't believe in anyone other than yourself - every other will start believing in you.

The world within you is of greater consequence than the world around you.

The best way to overcome your weaknesses is to turn them into strengths.

Major breakthroughs often come after major breakdowns.

Don't settle for a star when you can have the whole sky.

One size may fit all, but no footprint is the same. The right path for you may be a few steps to the left.

What a precious privilege to pray?

An ambitious amateur will rise above a complacent master.

Stumbling towards greatness is better than sprinting towards mediocrity.

You become what you think, not what others think of you.

If it feels nice, just throw the dice.

Life is a stage: perform your masterpiece.

Conquering hills today prepares you for conquering mountains tomorrow.

Describing colors to a blind is what writing is all about.

One of the way to get attention is to write a book titled, "How to get attention.

The only way to move forward is to focus on the good in your life and the good that you are doing for others and yourself. My past has shown me things in life, others and myself that I wouldn't wish upon anyone, but I can choose to pick up the pieces and build a beautiful life for myself and help others to do the same.

i WILL reach success because i will not accept anything less

Don't live the same everyday and call it a life.

Holding onto your dreams is better than holding onto your nightmares.

I dream of being there,Where the skies lie below,Clouds flow like the endless river,Where all the divinity is before me, with me,And in the shadows yet above all,Above all who choose to hide,I run along the stars,Wake up the ever-glowing sky,And sleep to the sound of the universes beating heart...

Battling wolves today strengthens you for battling lions tomorrow.

Taking a leap of faith is better than taking a leap of doubt.

To be a power to reckon with you need to believe in yourself and your dreams.

Rise above your fears and you rise above your world.

Shatter the limits in your mind and you shatter the limits in your life.

Master the art of learning when it is time for you to let go of dead situations. Letting go doesn't always mean the end, sometimes it is the start of something beautiful.

Your original self is worth more than your imitation of someone else.

And if not for the caterpillars and butterflies, who will I talk to? You'll be far away. And as for larger creatures, I'm not afraid. I have my thorns...to protect me.

Sometimes, the answer is right outside your door...so open it & see things in a new light

Quotes is just quotes, cannot change your world if you not do think in that quotes, so just go and do anything...

A garden is never beautiful by accident.

You don't have to look nice to be wise.

Elevate your mind and you elevate your world.

Your time, energy and words.Three things you can never get back once they've been exchanged. Choose wisely.

Overcoming what frightens you the most strengthens you the most.

God promotes you based on your heart not based on your head. Your head might be right but if your heart is not right you will mess up the promotion. Men looks at the outward but God looks at the heart. From the heart flows the issues of life.

Always try to fix what is broken so that when the blessings come, you will be able to receive it. This generation does a lot of right things for wrong reasons.

Ego's time is limited. Let us not go behind that. Patience is eternal. Let us celebrate it.

The beauty that is in you is greater than the ugliness that is around you.

Let me nurture my wings, for I was born to fly.

You are part of God's plan and if you stop yourself because you don't think you are not good enough, we lose your unique and needed contribution to the world. Your life was a gift, and what you do with it will be a gift to God.

Your darkest fears are the veil between you and your brightest rewards.

Be the person you would want to be friends with.

An eagle does not crawl because it was born to fly.

Unleash the potential that is in another and you unleash the potential that is in you.

Temporary failure will not prevent you from achieving lasting success.

Everything you do.. defies any dream I've ever dreamed. You're so much more perfect to me than I ever knew how to wish for. ~Tara Mae~

Kingdom laws cannot be broken

Life is a gift. Accept the sacred existence

A divided mind cannot conquer a united soul.

Your brightest light will take you to your greatest heights.

Fear Less Dominate More

An ounce of wisdom can earn you a ton of gold.

There is no other shame like senseless sin.

I am leaving. Where? Not where but whom. Whom? You.

Is there any power like prayer?

Pursuing your dreams is the best way of insulating yourself from your nightmares.

When your inner light shines your outer world glows.

The HOLY of Holiness!

Listen to me ... and I want you to remember this. Your legs are part of you, but not all of you or what you are. So wherever we go after tonight, I need you to know that you are no less for the injury. Even if you are in a chair, you still stand as tall as you ever did. Height is just a vertical number - it doesn't mean shit when it comes to your character or the kind of life you live.

Progress is hard, achievements are easy, and giving up is easier still.

Blaming others for your mistakes, makes you powerless to change your life. Taking responsibility for your mistakes, gives you the power to change your life

Failing over and over again is how you learn to succeed over and over again.

A muddied diamond is better than an unsullied pebble.

Find the time everyday, to express what is in your heart. Life affirming choices that lift you up. Everyday,allow your your soul to express its joy at the gift of life. Create, laugh, dance, play, spend time in nature, connect with the Divine, whatever it is, take even a small amount of time to do the things your soul longs to do.

It is in the quiet that you gain perspective when you have to deal with the loud.

In choosing a hypothesis there is no virtue in being timid. I clearly would have been burned at the stake in another age.

Critics are loud, but success is louder.

Stop waiting for someone else to run your life. Get into the driver's seat and choose your destination.

You don't want to just get by, you want to get ahead. You don't want to settle for mediocrity, you want to strive for greatness. You don't want to get lost in the crowd, you want to stand out and lead the charge. Pushing the limits of your potential isn't easy, but it will be worth it.

Blaming others for your mistakes you powerless to change your life. Taking responsibility for your mistakes gives you power to change your life.

The goal in life is not to try and live forever, but to create something that will forever live in people’s hearts.

Turn down mediocrity in all its forms!

Loyalty is a very heavy weight, not everyone is able to carry it.Forward March Life Quotes

When you aim for the stars even if you fail you’ll be a falling star, and that’s wish-fulfilling material.

double mindedness the mid way between dreams and realities

Mind and man what is in today and make today the solid foundation for tomorrow. Focus on what tomorrow brings ans let yesterday be yesterday. If there are lessons to learn from yesterday, don’t neglect them and don’t be crippled by the negativity of yesterday; Only use them as the best panacea and antidote to the ‘had I knows’ of tomorrow you are yet to meet!

You left yesterday hoping to see tomorrow and you shall surely see today so far us you have life. Mind and man what is in today and make today the solid foundation for tomorrow. Focus on what tomorrow brings and let yesterday be yesterday. If there are lessons to learn from yesterday, don’t neglect them and don’t be crippled by the negativity of yesterday; only use them as the best panacea and antidote to the ‘had I knows’ of tomorrow you are yet to meet!

Wow! So beautiful. Which star? Planet, not star; It WAS called Earth.

Today’s amateurs are tomorrow’s champions.

A drop of faith can create a hailstorm of success.

You shall only continue to feel bitter when you continue to make your mind the door step for footprints of bitterness! When you mind your mind, you mind your mind, you mind your heart, you mind your body and you mind your spirit! The only rest stop in your body for bitterness is your mind. Don’t forget! mind your mind!

Life is simple, as simple as Quant.

Live for the moments you can't put in words.
